Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Educated Youngster In Politics

Educated Youngster In Politics

We Say That Poilitician are not good ,but then why do we not enter in to Politics ,can really the educated  enter in to politics ,say be a MLA ,MP etc
  1. Politiciian do they get salary — Salary is only and till he is elected  &  what after he does not get elected ..
  2. What does he do to suport his family  ,say same life style when he is working as a Engineer or a doctor
  3. Can a die heart social person who want to do something for country be elected without spending money in election
  4. Can be politics treated as a career and get some security  so that youngster are encouraged without 
  5. Can we make sure that this Parliment is people of Good Background and not  people with Criminal back ground .
  6. After all it is to get in to dirt and clean it ,but how can it be fought without getting in to it 
Finally I am lost ,how can I be a part of it ,to improve it ??????